Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thing 15 - Infographics Galore!

Okay, at first I thought it sounded sort of lame to just SEARCH for already created infographics.  But once I looked at Infographics Hub, I really got hooked!  The first question to come to mind, of course, was whether these were just to peruse, to purchase or to actually use, and, of course, there was the wonderful SHARE button!  Question answered.  I found several that I think I will use because they look so polished and slick.

But then I decided I needed to try to create one.  The iVisual Touch Lite (free!) tutorial was great.  No words, just a short "how to."  This, also, would be such an easy way to introduce students to Infographics, and replace the old "let's make a poster" assignment that I still see so many teachers resort to. 

I'm looking forward to creating a product (or two) that I will use in the library.  The one I played around with was really simple to design.  If you haven't tried this app, I would highly recommend it.  It's so easy!

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